
ZeoRise - Finest Zeolite on the Market


Zeolite Effects on the Brain

Zeolite effects on the brain – is there a solution for neurological disorders? Zeolite effects on the brain open a multitude of questions about finding the solution for neurological disorders. Neurological disorders are some of the modern-day health challenges that many people are battling. They can cause serious health issues and can be symptomized by[…]

Antioxidant Effects – Can Zeolite Clinoptilolite help?

Antioxidant effects in zeolite – are they real?The antioxidant effects of zeolite have been considerably debated and researched in the last few years. There are numerous scientific studies that provide evidence supporting the claim that the cage-like structure of zeolite attracts and removes free radical molecules, resulting in reduced cell damage. This feature of zeolite[…]

Best Quality Zeolite – ZeoRise – Finest Zeolite Today

The best quality zeolite on the market has unique qualities. It can effectively absorb and remove toxic content from the body, such as heavy metals, ammonia, nitrates, mycotoxins and other harmful molecules in the gastrointestinal tract. It’s not always easy to find pure tribomechanically micronized zeolite clinoptilolite. Yet it is only this kind of zeolite[…]

Zeolite Effects On High Zonulin Levels

Zeolite effects on high zonulin levels may help the body recover from increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut. What is zonulin? Zonulin is a protein in charge of monitoring the permeability between the epithelial cells’ junctions in the gastrointestinal tract. It is a biomarker that indicates the level of intestinal permeability. If zonulin levels are high,[…]

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