
ZeoRise - Finest Zeolite on the Market

About Us

“In spite of a worldwide, growing awareness of Zeolite’s detoxifying power, and after twenty years of experiencing the benefits of taking Zeolite in our private lives, we concluded with sadness that many of our friends and acquaintances still knew very little about this potent detox mineral. We therefore decided to launch

Zeorise so that a lot more people can experience for themselves just how much zeolite enhances their health. We are confident that you will also experience the detoxifying power of Zeolite.

Our best wishes,
Cyril & Dario

Cyril Wohrer and Dario Bujas are friends since the 1990s’

Cyril was born in Los Angeles. He has a B.A from the University of California and a Masters from Oxford University.

Dario is from Croatia. A businessman since thirty years, he is active in the
health and food supplement industry.

ZeoRise Zeolite

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